Better Yet This Time To Talk #1 : BYT Time

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Better Yet This.... Time To Talk

Better Yet This Time To Talk #1

by Laura Griego on 02/10/19

Welcome to Better Yet This!
 I hope to use this Blog as a platform to share with you and I hope you will share back our thoughts, feelings, passions and knowledge we have gain though out our daily Journey in our lives. 
Why the name Better Yet This?  During my life I have had the honor to be taught, mentored and encouraged to learn and experience. "Better Yet This" has always been a statement of just that. For something to be "Better Yet" we must have learned some basic knowledge, applied it, analyze it and acknowledge its positive and negative aspects.  The real Joy and Excitement is when the light of discovery shines through and we open the door and see the New Innovations. Better Yet This is that open door that leads to Living Innovations.
I hope you will join me on this new Journey as we take what we have learned, apply it, analyze it , acknowledge it for what it is and discover the Better Yet This! 
Lets Talk again Soon!

Comments (1)

1. William said on 2/10/19 - 08:28AM
I love your products!

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